Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani directed from the holy Karbala Governorate, today, Saturday, to maintain the pace of security and service work for the Arbaeen visit in the coming hours.
A statement from his media office stated that Al-Sudani chaired a meeting in the holy Karbala Governorate, today, Saturday, that included the Ministers of Interior, Health, Electricity, and Transportation, and the Governors of Karbala, Basra and Wasit, and the Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Arbaeen Visit, in addition to officials of the relevant security and service formations, to follow up on the efforts related to the Arbaeen visit, which reached its peak today.
According to the statement, Al-Sudani followed up on the efforts made by various formations and security agencies, in addition to the efforts of the transporting visitors, indicating that the effort has exceeded the limits and levels over the past weeks in order to provide all support and services, whether to
visitors from the governorates, or those who came from outside Iraq.
The meeting discussed the major role played by local governments in the governorates that were a passage for visitors heading to the holy Karbala, and their success in implementing their service plans. Al-Sudani stressed the need to discuss reports that identify the negatives, with the aim of addressing them in the future, and emphasizing the need to proceed with implementing projects related to the smooth flow of one-million visit.
According to the statement, the Prime Minister directed the need to maintain the same pace of work and enthusiasm in the security and service aspects for the coming hours, and to closely follow up on the plans, and focus on the reverse transporting of visitors, and provide all necessary facilities for that, until the arrival of the last pilgrim, and that all efforts be crowned with the success we planned for.
Al-Sudani explained that the Arbaeen pilgrimage is witnessing a development in numbers, quality of ser
vices and needs of pilgrims, and it is in harmony with the citizen’s entitlement within a level of respect and appreciation in the field of transportation in decent cars, and providing potable water for processions, especially in difficult climatic conditions, health services and oil derivatives, and most importantly, providing sustainable security.
Source: National Iraqi News Agency