Russian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Rudakov, reflected in an exclusive article on ‘the ten-year anniversary of the Ukrainian coup’, emphasizing its implications amid global turbulence. In his article, Rudakov critiques Western intervention and outlines the tragic fallout witnessed in Ukraine since the upheaval.

‘Ten years have already passed since the armed coup in Ukraine took place.

In the midst of the events unraveling in the Middle East, this bloody anniversary could have easily been forgotten, which is justifiable in this extremely tense environment.

The reckless cruelty of hostilities in Gaza results in nothing but pain and human suffering. The terrifying consequences of Lebanese-Israeli confrontation can pretty much be felt in the air by virtually everyone here. The tragic developments

in the Red Sea, where the Anglo-Saxon duo once again showed its true face

by carrying out massive airstrikes on sovereign Yemen, are a heartbreaking sight.

But even amidst this macroregional turbulence we cann
ot forget the tragedy of the orchestrated Ukrainian governmental collapse. We simply do not have the moral right for that.

Personally, I am not sure it makes sense to go into much detail explaining

to the Lebanese reader the intricate motives behind the events that took place

in Ukraine ten years ago. Not much of that can be projected onto the challenges the Lebanese are facing today. However, I will allow myself to point out a few political episodes of that era in order to remind our Lebanese friends what the Western-brand ‘progressive democracy’ really is and what sort of consequences it entails.

It all began when Ukraine gained independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union. One of the key conditions of this process was the neutrality and non-participation in military alliances, which was reflected in the Act of Declaration

of Independence of Ukraine. As it later turned out, no one there even bothered adhering to these obligations. In 2008, the NATO States in Bucharest declared their intentio
n to drag the former Soviet republic into their military Alliance. For obvious reasons Russia cannot ignore this blatant violation of its security concerns – especially now, when we have been officially and openly declared as NATO’s principal threat.

The entirety of discourse that took place on the sidelines of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in the late 1990-s regarding the necessity of building a unified economic and humanitarian space in Europe also turned out to be nothing but an eloquent but hostile excuse. In reality, the West –

as early as then – was drafting plans to absorb Ukraine into its zone of influence,

to subjugate Kiev to its own strategic interests. At that point we have often heard the pompous eurobureaucrats’ appeals: Ukraine must decide whether it remains with Russia or joins Europe. They simply couldn’t fathom the possibility of neutral, sovereign, and mutually respectful coexistence. This political shortsightedness was ultimately what created an existent
ial threat right on our borders.

There are quite a few ways to interpret the origins of the bloody mess that unraveled in Ukraine in 2013-2014. Some say that the distemper began because

of imprudent and unthoughtful eurointegration, others blame the radical neo-Nazi movements, which ended up coming to power in Kiev after the coup.

Needless to say, the government overthrow can be traced directly

to Washington. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has admitted herself that the White House provided more than 5 billion USD to finance riots and anti-government protests (which they keep calling ‘supporting democracies’ with stubborn hypocrisy). The US masterminding ‘color revolutions’ is hardly a surprise to anyone anymore.

One way or another, after the coup Kiev stepped foot on the path

of confrontation. It was not just a battle with everything Russian. It was essentially a civil war with the sole goal of bringing the Anti-Russia project to life. From then on began the demise of Ukraine into the abyss of
lawlessness, human hatred, and complete lack of moral principles.

So, what exactly happened to what is now left of Ukraine over these ten years? To put it short, nothing good.

Kiev’s political significance is diminishing day by day. The current regime lacks sovereignty – all of its military and political decisions are taken after being approved by Western capitals. Ukrainian diplomacy evolved into crowdfunding and mendicancy with the goal of fueling its terrorist needs. This hardly gains any sympathy in the West because everyone is simply tired of Kiev’s narrative. Besides, Ukraine is no longer a priority for ‘progressive democracies’ with all of their resources being funneled towards the collective punishment of Palestinians.

Ukraine’s economy is in a catastrophic state, and it is being kept afloat only by donations from its Western overlords. This led to the doubling of government debt over the last two years. Unimaginable corruption permeates virtually all government institutions, all while certain aspe
cts of the investigation on Biden’s family involvement in these criminal schemes are being silenced. The current dismal economic environment results in the rapid growth of human and arms trafficking. The ruling Kiev junta is desperately trying to pass off whatever is left from a once wealthy State as progress towards a ‘prosperous European economy’, but that

is rather absurd.

A profound demographic crisis is unraveling. Birthrates in Ukraine over the last 10 years have fallen by over 40%, and the population size has contracted,

by some estimates, by a factor 2.5 since the country gained its independence. Citizens of the Ukrainian quasi-State are simply fleeing en masse from the regime that is unwilling to end a war that it itself has started.

Oppression of ethnic minorities has become an integral part of government policy. It is not just about the obvious attempt to eradicate everything that relates

to Russia – other nations residing in the country are in danger as well. De facto and de jure Hungarians,
Romanians, Rusyns, and the Roma have their rights stripped away by Kiev authorities. Where has all the tolerance and acceptance (let alone basic respect for international law) gone? Were the ever so cherished ‘European democratic values’ suddenly abolished?

Ukraine’s culture is at its lowest point. All because of a completely artificial identity that it is being violently forced on Ukrainians. Kiev functionaries are desperate to consign to oblivion our common past by replacing it with some conspiratorial made-up ‘ancient Ukrainian’ epos. They are sparing no efforts

in forcing the population to speak an artificial language synthetically compiled

to have all the Russian words replaced by their most linguistically distant analogues (which often turns out to be rather comical). A cult of death and hatred that replaces traditional spiritual and moral values in our neighbors’ minds is rapidly expanding. And even the religious tradition in Ukraine is being distorted – the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of th
e Moscow Patriarchate is being attacked by its less popular schismatic Westernized copy.

Quite evidently, the trends are rather pessimistic. Had Kiev really wanted

to drive the country out of this multifaceted crisis, it would have already put an end to its terrorist endeavors and sat down for negotiations. But of course, this is not going to happen because their Western puppet masters are obsessed with the idea

of ‘fighting until the very last Ukrainian’.

It is considered good manners in publications of this sort to conclude with an attempt to forecast the trends of the next decade. My intuition and diplomatic experience are telling me that degeneracy in Ukraine will continue, and that decay will persist. That is precisely why this ticking time-bomb must be neutralized at this very instant. And in regards to my perception of what the future holds for Ukraine – under the current circumstances, it seems that instead of questioning what the country will be like in 10 years it is more rational to question wh
ether it will exist at all. Time will tell.’

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon