Rome: Saudi Arabia participated in the inaugural ministerial meeting of the World Fusion Energy Group in Rome, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), with the goal of fostering international collaboration in nuclear fusion energy technology development for clean, safe, and reliable energy.
According to Saudi Press Agency, the delegation from Saudi Arabia was led by Prince Dr. Mamdouh bin Saud bin Thunayan, CEO of the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy. In his address, Prince Mamdouh commended Italy for hosting the event and recognized the IAEA’s efforts in advancing global nuclear fusion technology development.
Prince Mamdouh emphasized the necessity of enhancing international cooperation to tackle the technical and scientific challenges related to fusion energy, acknowledging the technology’s potential for a sustainable energy future. He reiterated Saudi Arabia’s pledge to stay informed about fusion energy advancements and its efforts to build national expertise in this
domain to enhance its leadership in clean energy sectors.
Additionally, Prince Mamdouh highlighted Saudi Arabia’s commitment to working with international partners to further sustainable energy development and to achieve a vision that ensures energy resource sustainability and encourages innovation.