International Conference of Religious Leaders Convenes in Malaysiac


Makkah, The International Conference of Religious Leaders, organized jointly by the Prime Minister’s Office of Malaysia and the Muslim World League, was held yesterday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, under the patronage of Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Muslim World League Secretary General Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Alissa and some 2,000 religious figures and intellectuals from 57 countries took part in the event which is part of Malaysia’s and MWL’s efforts to establish a global religious platform that promotes cooperation based on commonalities, sets a roadmap to promote harmony among the followers of religions that include the majority of the world’s peoples, and resolves issues of coexistence responsibly and in harmony.

Alissa delivered the main speech at the conference, emphasizing that the distinguished group of religious leaders who take part in it work to promote interfaith harmony and combat extremist ideologies, particularly the danger of cultural and civilizational clashes.

He stressed
that ‘our diverse world needs religious leaders with a tangible impact on promoting peace and harmony in its societies’ and that ‘this is a sensitive time burdened with troubles and dangers’ that does not tolerate any moment more of inaction or negligence.

Alissa also pointed to the decline in values and international resolve that the world is witnessing.

“The bloody war in Gaza is the clearest evidence of the failure of the international community to stop the genocide there,” he said, expressing appreciation for the ‘great and continuous efforts made by the Arab and Islamic countries led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with its honest and strong voice at several summits and meetings, and its influential international presence’.

Ibrahim stressed that the conference represents an important opportunity for religious leaders to take the lead and offer social or religious advice, reiterating that they have a great responsibility.

The Malaysian prime minister warned against claims about a clash of civilization
s and politics, which seek to divide humanity, stressing that people are tired of the absence of justice and reiterating: “Let religious leaders assume their rightful role and be more influential and effective.”

Participants in the conference issued a final statement reaffirming that every human being is a distinguished creature in the universe, and rejecting discrimination or favoritism based on religion, gender, color, or ethnicity.

They stressed the important role followers of various religions play in promoting peace in the world and harmony in societies, and that the task of religious leaders is to recall the civilizational models that build bridges of cooperation and peace to the benefit of all.

They pointed out that effective and fruitful dialogue is the best way to resolve conflicts and end wars, as well as to improve relations among representatives of different civilizations. They also stressed that religious and cultural diversity requires the formation of an effective civilizational partnership,
and constructive dialogue within a common social contract that invests in the diversity of visions in the service of humanity and in achieving a comprehensive national development.

The participants issued several recommendations that were included in the final statement, such as urging major religious institutions worldwide to cooperate and coordinate in serving humanitarian causes, respecting religious and cultural specificities, encourage moderate discourse that highlight the tolerance of religion, increase solidarity among societies, and reject extremist discourse that incites to hatred and exploits religion to create crises and fuel conflicts.

The participants also called for forming a high-level committee for the conference, comprising religious leaders, experts, and thinkers, under the chairmanship of the Cabinet of Malaysia and the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The committee would form specialized task forces to achieve its objectives, including pushing for an end t
o wars and conflicts through dispatching delegations representing the high-level committee, and addressing governments and international organizations mainly to call for an immediate and urgent intervention to stop the war in Gaza, comply with international covenants and rights, and seek to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and ensure that they gain their legitimate rights.

Source: Saudi Press Agency