HM King visits Russian Federal Assembly


Moscow, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa visited the Russian Federal Assembly, during his official state visit to Russia.

His Majesty was welcomed by Valentina Matviyenko, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly.

His Majesty wrote a message in the guests book, expressing appreciation for the invitation from His Excellency Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, and the warm reception by the Russian people. His Majesty lauded the strong historical ties and productive cooperation between Bahrain and Russia.

Furthermore, His Majesty commended the Federation Council’s efforts in supporting Russia’s comprehensive development and its role on the international stage.

During the visit, His Majesty met with Speaker Matviyenko. His Majesty reviewed cooperation between Bahrain and Russia, highlighting the progress in bilateral parliamentary cooperation.

His Majesty expressed satisfaction with the positive outcomes of his visit and discussions with President Putin, which will further stre
ngthen the robust relations with Russia.

His Majesty underscored the parliamentary achievements in Bahrain, which have significantly contributed to the nation’s progress and prosperity.

The meeting included an exchange of views on regional and international issues of common interest.

Speaker Matviyenko commended His Majesty’s role in enhancing relations and cooperation with Russia.

She also praised The Supreme Council for Women (SCW) in Bahrain for its achievements in advancing the status of women in the kingdom.

Source: Bahrain News Agency