During his meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart in Switzerland… the FM stressed the need to give priority to diplomatic solutions


Baghdad: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, on the sidelines of the Peace Summit in Ukraine, which is being held at the Brukenstock Resort in the Swiss city of Lucerne.

During the meeting, the two sides held in-depth talks on ways to enhance efforts to bring peace to Ukraine and end the war.

Fuad Hussein stressed the importance of promoting and giving priority to diplomatic solutions and constructive dialogue between the conflicting parties, by strengthening international mediation and relying on peace initiatives supported by all parties, including the United Nations. The latest developments in the situation and challenges facing achieving lasting peace were also reviewed, including the humanitarian and economic crises resulting from the war.

In this context, Fuad Hussein stressed Iraq’s firm and supportive position for peace, stressing that Iraq seeks to strengthen its efforts in cooperation with the intern
ational community and both Russia and Ukraine to achieve stability and peace in the region.

In another axis, Fuad Hussein and Dmytro Kuleba discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations between Iraq and Ukraine, with a focus on expanding cooperation in the economic and political fields. The two parties also agreed to hold the joint committee between the two countries in Baghdad during the year 2024.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency