Justice Ministry : 43 million Electronic Services Provided Through ‘Najiz’ Platform During First Half of 2024


Riyadh: The Ministry of Justice provided more than 43 million services through the Najiz.sa platform during the first half of the current year, without requiring visits to judicial headquarters. These services include judiciary, enforcement, documentation, and other services, all delivered remotely with the same quality and efficiency.

The Najiz platform includes four portals for individuals, businesses, lawyers, and government agencies. These portals are distinguished by the classification of services according to specialty, facilitating beneficiaries’ access to the most in-demand judicial services, including judiciary, enforcement, mandates, declarations, social cases, and licensing services.

The platform provides more than 160 judiciary services, which beneficiaries can perform through simple and easy steps, saving them time and effort. Beneficiaries can also access judicial services through the “Najiz” application, available on all smart device stores.

Source: Saudi Press Agency