HRSD Ministry Bolsters Efforts to Stem Human Trafficking


The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD) has reaffirmed its dedication to combating human trafficking and bolstering compliance with labor market regulations on the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

The day is observed annually on July 30 by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness about this crime, highlight the victims’ suffering, and advocate for their rights and protection.

Minister Eng. Ahmed bin Suleiman Al-Rajhi underscored the Saudi leadership’s resolute commitment to upholding human dignity and safeguarding the rights of all individuals in the Kingdom. He emphasized that human trafficking violates human rights and dignity, and highlighted Saudi Arabia’s measures against this crime, including stringent laws and community awareness programs.

Al-Rajhi also stressed the importance of international and regional cooperation, information sharing, and joint efforts to prevent, combat, and raise awareness about human trafficking.

The ministry has carried out vari
ous awareness-raising and training programs to inform citizens and residents about the risks associated with practices contributing to human trafficking and to promote measures to effectively deal with the phenomenon. Initiatives include enacting legislation and policies protecting workers’ contractual rights and acting against illegal practices such as human trafficking and forced labor.

The ministry urges the public to report any cases suspected of human trafficking through the appropriate channels. Immediate action will be taken to address these concerns.

Source: Saudi Press Agency