DGA: Digital Experience Maturity Index 2024 Rises to 85.04%


The Digital Government Authority (DGA) announced the results of the Digital Experience Maturity Index 2024 in a press release issued yesterday. The index achieved an advanced score of 85.04%.

The evaluation covered 39 digital platforms and was conducted based on four main perspectives and 20 themes. These perspectives included measuring user satisfaction through the participation of over 175,000 beneficiaries, evaluating the user experience, assessing the platforms’ mechanisms for handling beneficiary complaints, and evaluating the digital technologies and tools enabling these platforms.

DGA Governor Ahmed Alsuwaiyan stated that the Digital Experience Maturity Index aims to boost beneficiary satisfaction and enhance their digital experience in line with international indicators and best practices. The index is aligned with the strategic directions of the Digital Government to improve Saudi Arabia’s ranking in international indicators and accelerate digital transformation processes, he added. Alsuwaiyan al
so emphasized that the continuous improvement in the index results underscores the significant efforts made by Saudi agencies in developing their digital platforms and services, contributing to improving the quality of life, facilitating business practices, enhancing competitiveness, and achieving efficiency in government operations.

According to the release, the index increased by 4.36% compared to the previous cycle. The number of platforms evaluated in 2024 reached 39, up from 24 in 2023, and over 175,000 participants took part in evaluating the platforms for this cycle, surpassing the 134,000 participants in the previous cycle.

The detailed results of the index highlighted the performance of the top ten platforms, all of which attained an advanced level. The scores for the top ten digital platforms were as follows: Tawakkalna at 91.29%, the General Organization for Social Insurance at 91.18%, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority at 90.42%, Absher at 90.39%, Ehsan at 90.27%, Etimad at 90.21%, Musaned a
t 87.28%, Qiwa at 87.18%, Visit Saudi at 86.21%, and Najiz at 86.09%.

Source: Saudi Press Agency