
The Extraordinary Open-ended Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee, held on Tuesday, 10/1/2022, to examine the continued Israeli aggression against the blessed Aqsa Mosque, at the request of the State of Palestine and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and in coordination with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chair of the Islamic Summit and the Executive Committee, at the OIC headquarters, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the historical, moral and legal responsibility of the Islamic Ummah and the duty of full solidarity with Palestine and its people;

Reaffirming all relevant Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit, Council of Foreign Ministers and OIC Extraordinary Meetings;

Reaffirming the centrality of the cause of Palestine, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif at its heart, for the entire Islamic Ummah, and reaffirming the Arab and Islamic identity of occupied Al-Quds, the capital of the State of Palestine, and rejecting any form of prejudice to it:

1. Condemns in the strongest terms the storming of the blessed Aqsa Mosque / Al-Haram Al-Qudsi-ASharif on 3/1/ 2023 by a minister in the Israeli colonial occupation cabinet, who is known for his extremism, and considers it as a serious provocation that hurt the feelings of Muslims all over the world and in a blatant violation of international law, relevant UN resolutions, existing historic and legal situation in Al-Quds and its sanctities and all relevant international norms;

2. Warns against the consequences of the continued assault on Al-Aqsa Mosque / Al-Haram Al-Qudsi Al-Sharif, including provocations, continued abuses, and daily serious attacks by the Israeli colonial occupation authorities, its government officials, its military occupation forces, and colonialists, in a gross violation of international law and unprecedented tampering with the current historic and legal situation, especially the dangerous attempts by extremist Jewish colonialists to fuel the flames of religious conflict by imposing a temporal and spatial division of the Haram al-Sharif, which poses a threat to international peace and security;

3. Affirms that the primary responsibility for events in the Blessed Aqsa Mosque and Al Haram Al-Qudsi AShariff rests with the Israeli colonial occupation authorities, which provide protection to the colonizers and their leaders, including government officials, and their continued efforts to change the status quo therein, and holds them responsible for the consequences of their continued illegal policies and measures;

4. Demands the United Nations Security Council, in its capacity as the guarantor of international peace and security, to assume its responsibilities and act urgently to take the necessary measures, without selectivity or double standards, to deter and stop the dangerous Israeli escalation, along with all other illegal and provocative measures and policies that affect the occupied city of Al-Quds and the sanctity of the Blessed Aqsa Mosque / Al-Haram Al-Qudsi Al-Sharif.

5. Appreciates the positions of the states that rejected and condemned the provocative and aggressive Israeli incursions into the blessed Aqsa Mosque/ Al-Haram Al-Qudsi Al-Sharif, and calls on the international community, particularly the permanent members of the Security Council, to condemn these irresponsible and dangerous actions, and to take urgent action and practical steps to stop them and to put an end to the accelerating deterioration of the situation in Palestine in general due to the Israeli colonial occupation authorities continued violation of the international law, Palestinians’ human rights.

6. Calls for the imposition of sanctions on the extremist minister in the Israeli colonial occupation government who assaulted the sanctity of the blessed -Aqsa Mosque / Al-Haram Al-Qudsi Al-Sharif, and anyone who deliberately does so, makes threats, or performs provocative actions against it, incites against the Palestinian people, adopts a racist discourse against it, or calls for to violence and terror;

7. Reaffirms that Al-Haram Al-Sharif, with its entire area totaling 144 dunams, is an exclusive place of worship for Muslims, protected by international law and the historical and legal status, and that the Department of ?Al-Quds Waqfs and Affairs of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque / Al-Quds Al-Sharif, affiliated to the Jordanian Ministry of Waqfs, Islamic Affairs and Holy Sanctuaries, is the competent authority to manage the affairs of the Blessed Aqsa Mosque / Al-Haram Al-Qudsi Al-Sharif, and Stresses the role of the historic Hashemite guardianship of the Islamic and Christian holy Sanctuaries in Al-Quds, in protecting sanctities, their identity, and the existing historical and legal status therein.

8. Reffirms the central role of Al-Quds Committee under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohamed VI, of Morocco, in challenging the serious measures taken by the Israeli occupation authorities in Al-Quds Al-Shareef, and values the role of Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency.

9. Affirms the sovereignty of the Palestinian people over Al-Quds Al-Sharif and all its holy places, its ancient town and its walls, and affirms that all measures taken or intended to be taken by the Israeli colonial occupation authorities, which seek to change the character and legal status of the city or its demographic composition, are null and void and have no legal effect. that Israel is merely an occupying power with no sovereign rights whatsoever in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Blessed Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al- Qudsi Aharif;

10. Reiterates, in this regard, its condemnation of the repeated attacks on Christian holy places and their properties, including the recent attack on the endowments of the Orthodox Church at Bab-Al-Khaleel and Silwan, and the desecration and destruction of Christian graves on Mount Zion in the eastern part of Al-Quds ;

11. Calls on states and intergovernmental organizations to fully adhere to the legal and historical status quo of the city of Al-Quds, and demands all international parties, not to recognize any Israeli allegations aimed at altering the status of the Islamic and Christian holy places in Al-Quds Al-Sharif or seizing them, including using any false names that encourage extremists to commit more attacks on the holy places and to increase violence.

12. Stresses the responsibility of the states parties to the Geneva Conventions to hold Israel accountable for all its violations of international humanitarian law, whether by its government officials, military forces, or extremist colonialists;

13. Appeals to the clergy, authorities and religious institutions of the Divine Messages in all parts of the world to adopt a position calling for an end to these violations and to affirm that preserving the existing historical and legal status preserves the special religious and historical status of the city of Al-Quds;

14. Calls on OIC Member States to reflect these positions and all relevant OIC Resolutions in their stands and to make serious efforts to protect the occupied Holy City and its sanctities, specifically the blessed Aqsa Mosque / Haram al-Qudsi ASharif, and its people, and to defend it in the face of illegal attempts to change the demographic composition, identity, and legal and historical status current;

15. Condemns the imposition of collective sanctions by the Israeli colonial occupation authorities on the Palestinian people, their officials and Palestinian civil organizations, and underlines the need to counter these measures. Reiterates also its support for the Palestinian people in their just struggle, and calls on Member States to mobilize their capabilities in order to strengthen the capabilities of the State of Palestine at all levels in support of its legitimate struggle in confronting the Israeli colonial occupation and restoring usurped rights, and calls on them to seek to intensify efforts, coordinate positions in international forums, and highlight support for the Palestinian cause;

16. Requests the OIC Secretary-General to communicate with religious leaders and relevant international officials to convey the OIC message and position, and to request them to take a firm stance towards these dangerous developments;

17. Affirms its continued follow-up of all developments related to Al-Quds, specifically the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and to take appropriate steps in this regard, as stipulated in the Resolutions of Islamic summits and the Council of Foreign Ministers.

Source: National News Agency