Mahmoud Othman reveals to NINA: The Kurds’ position on Al-Sudani and the recent election law


The independent Kurdish politician, Mahmoud Othman, revealed the Kurds’ position on Prime Minister Muhammad Al-Sudani and the recent election law.

Othman said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) that Prime Minister Muhammad al-Sudani is taking the government at a steady pace, and the Kurds are very satisfied with his performance, because he desires to solve the problems between Baghdad and Erbil and has a sincere intention to do so.

He explained that the political blocs should support Al-Sudani in his work, and not put obstacles in front of him, especially those related to the agreements he concludes, especially with the Kurds and Sunnis, and that the coordination framework should support that.

He pointed out that the passing of laws in the Iraqi parliament will be by political consensus, quotas, and with one basket, as it was previously.

He explained that the Kurds’ position on amending the election law is divided between supporters and opponents. The Kurdistan Democratic Party supports the law, while the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan announced its rejection of the law, especially with regard to Kirkuk.

He pointed out that the coming days will reveal the position of the Sadrist movement on the recent election law, which may cause a problem between the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement in the future.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency