Higher Education Discusses with the British Council training and development programs with universities


The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Naeem Al-Aboudi, met with the Director of the British Council in Iraq, Jim Petrie, and they discussed the path of joint study and training programs with Iraqi universities.

During the meeting, the Minister of Education said: “The Iraqi university institutions are looking forward to positive partnerships in the field of higher education and scientific research and to benefit from international universities and international expertise in the field of updating programs and curricula,” pointing out that the Ministry’s decision to adopt the Bologna course in Iraqi universities has provided an important impetus for the level of academic cooperation and exchange.

The Minister stressed the importance of cooperation and the conclusion of memorandums of understanding in the field of training programs for students, researchers and teachers in all specializations, especially with regard to developing the skills required by the business environment.

For his part, the Director of the British Council praised “the track of priorities approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the development of the university educational system, the adoption of the Bologna track in university institutions, and the launch of the (Study in Iraq) initiative to attract international students within cultural exchange programs.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency