Completion of the first phase of constructing a security fence on the border strip between Wasit and Iran


The Security Committee in Wasit Governorate confirmed the completion of the first phase of the construction of a security fence with a length of 180 km, with the connection of high-efficiency thermal surveillance cameras in the border strip adjacent to Iran.

The Head of the Committee, the Governor of Wasit Muhammad al-Mayahi, said, “We met with the commander of the border guards of the third region, Major General Hussein Abd al-Hadi, at the headquarters of the governorate’s office, and we discussed the security reality in the border strip between Iraq and Iran, where we recorded a noticeable decline in the number of infiltrators from the Iranian side of Wasit province as positive results of joint work and the adoption of strict procedures in the border area is supported by technologies and security reinforcements.

He added, “We support by all means the completion of the remaining stages of the construction of the security fence, reinforced with thermal surveillance cameras, with the aim of establishing security and wasting opportunities for infiltrators across the border in illegal ways.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency