Foreign Minister attends GCC -Russian Dialogue session


Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani today took part in the 6th GCC-Russia Strategic Dialogue, which was held in Moscow. Omani Foreign Minister, Chair of the current GCC ministerial council, Badr Bin Hamad Bin Hamood Al Busaidi and Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov co-chaired the session, which was attended also by GCC Secretary-General Jassem Mohamed Albudaiwi.

The two sides discussed joint ties within the framework of the existing strategic dialogue, and ways to expand cooperation in various fields to serve common interests. A joint statement was issued, stressing the importance of strategic dialogue between the GCC and the Russian Federation to achieve their common interests and strengthen friendship, mutual trust and cooperation.

The two sides underscored the important role played by their countries in supporting the global economy, stabilizing the energy market and supporting prosperity.

They highlighted current regional and international issues, stressing the importance of concerted efforts to achieve peace, security, stability, and prosperity.

They underlined the need to give priority to restoring international peace and security, through mutual respect and cooperation between countries to achieve development and progress, and adherence to the principles of international law, international humanitarian law, the United Nations Charter, and good neighborliness.

In the statement, they stressed the importance of preserving the international order based on respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of states, non-interference in internal affairs, non-use or threat of force, underlining the need to face challenges challenges and crises through peaceful means, give priority to dialogue, and settle disputes through negotiations.

The two sides discussed the war in Ukraine, welcoming the mediation of the GCC countries in a bid to create the conditions for a political solution to the crisis, in accordance with international law and the UN Charter.

The ministers stressed the importance of unhindered access to food and fertilizers to global markets, as well as humanitarian aid, in order to contribute to providing food security for the affected countries.

The ministers stressed the importance of preserving the security of sea corridors in the region, addressing threats to maritime shipping lines, international trade, and oil installations in the GCC countries.

The ministers condemned the scourge of terror, stressing the importance of confronting the spread of terrorist ideology and extremism. They indicated that tolerance and peaceful coexistence are among the most important values and principles for relations between nations and societies.

The ministers expressed the hope that their strategic dialogue contributes to strengthening the relations of friendship and cooperation between the GCC countries and the Russian Federation, and to enhancing communication between peoples in a way that achieves common interests and supports security, peace, prosperity and stability in the world.

Source: Bahrain News Agency