
100% Liban organized a special event on July 6, celebrating and promoting wine tourism and cultural heritage in Lebanon. The event took place in the presence of government officials, ambassadors, VIPs, media and key stakeholders from the Lebanese tourism industry, over a sunset cocktail dinner at Centrale Restaurant – Orchid Batroun. Alongside, 15 local wineries were present on site to showcase their wine products to a distinguished audience of wine lovers and experts, eager to discover the rich wines of Lebanon. On this special occasion, 100% Liban introduced the wine tourism web app that has been specially designed to allow people looking to delve into the history, traditions, and culture of wine, to discover the regions dedicated to wine production and taste their wines, with the possibility to participate in wine tastings, guided tours through the wineries and vineyards, learn about food pairing, visit museums, etc. This event comes after the MOU signed on November 2022 with the Ministry of Tourism to promote Wine Tourism in Lebanon in collaboration with local and international bodies, including the Council of Europe and the Iter Vitis Wine Route. More than a discovery of Lebanon’s rich history of wine and cultural heritage, the event was the opportunity to shed the light on wine tourism routes and itineraries, with the chance to explore a destination through its flavors and find hidden gems. Visiting wine-producing regions is an authentic way to discover the country’s rural and inland destinations from the Bekaa, Keserwan, the Chouf or the South… A matter on which Belgium Ambassador H.E. Koen Vervaeke, Information Minister H.E. Ziad Makary and 100% Liban President Mr Sleiman Maaraoui all pointed out during their speeches. Mr Maaraoui emphasized the fact that wine tourism acts as a lever for the local economy, with the increase in tourism offers. Wine tourism involves a wide ecosystem of actors. It is not only a source of revenue for wine regions and for local societies, but it can also reveal and safeguard the cultural heritage of wine and support wine regions sustainability. With more than 80 producers, the economic model covers all regions and all communities. He stated: ‘The history of Lebanon, its geographical and climatic situation (300 days of sunshine), its culture, its openness and the Lebanese way of life are all assets to add to the “narrative” making Lebanon a unique experience in this field’. Mr Maaraoui added: ‘Our wine is 6000 years old’ says our slogan (…). And the wine of Lebanon has not finished writing its history and refining its product by further exploring its 125 native grape varieties and extending over the entire surface of Lebanon. Building your wine route becomes hence very interesting’. And to conclude: ‘The Wine value chain has existed for 6000 years on this land. It is our duty to preserve it, improve it and also enjoy it!’ Finally, with the setting sun glowing on the horizon, all guests raised their wine glasses to celebrate the beauty and richness of Lebanon’s history, scenery and diversity. 100% Liban is a Lebanese NGO/non-profit association regrouping representatives from the major private sector forces in Lebanon to help the country recover and regain the trust of its people and the respect of the international community and above all to establish and promote dialogue. Our group gathers experts from various fields with the aim of: Bringing together specialists and experienced professionals from different sectors to contribute to designing a roadmap to achieve an economic and financial solution to overcome Lebanon’s crisis and contribute to Lebanon’s economic recovery. Gathering the private sector forces, including employers, employees, unions, and economic bodies, to convey their projects and visions. Striving to position and promote the economic actors as key active stakeholders in any official recovery plan for the economic situation in Lebanon, with a focus on reviving the Lebanese economy on solid, advanced, and sustainable foundations. Collaborating and coordinating with the Lebanese diaspora, which represents strong relationships in decision-making capitals, international organizations, and leadership in various sectors, and serves as a fundamental support abroad to complement our efforts in Lebanon. By implementing these goals, 100% Liban hopes to be a catalyst for nationwide improvement and advancement. Promoting dialogue and creating change through advocacy and raising public awareness on the many problems occurring in the country.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon