The President of the Emirates tweeted on the anniversary of “ISIS’ crime against the Yazidis


His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, stressed the need to work to consolidate the principles of tolerance and coexistence, and to reject extremism and contempt for people because of differences in religion or race.

This came in a post on the “X” platform on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the “ISIS” crime against the Yazidis in Iraq on August 3, 2014.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed wrote: “The ninth anniversary of the heinous crime committed by the terrorist organization ISIS against the Yazidis and others in Sinjar, Iraq, on August 3, 2014, is a painful occasion that reminds the whole world of the importance of working to consolidate the principles of tolerance and coexistence, rejecting extremism and contempt for people because of the difference in religion, sect, or race.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency