KSrelief Supervisor General Participates in High level Session on Rohingya Minority Crisis in New York



A high-level session held today at the UN headquarters in New York on the Rohingya minority crisis brought together Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Sheikha Hasina Wajid and Advisor to the Saudi Royal Court and Supervisor General of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah.


The meeting was held on the sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly meeting.


In a key speech at the session, Dr. Al Rabeeah stressed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been a firm supporter of the international community’s stand vis-à-vis the Rohingya, refusing to accept that they are deprived of their rights, noting that since the beginning of the conflict, the kingdom has hosted 260,000 Rohingya refugees, providing their children with public health care, employment and education opportunities at a cost of $2,25 billion.


He added that Saudi Arabia has also been supporting Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and other countries over the past few years through 43 projects valued at $186 million in areas related to emergency relief response, education, shelter and health.


In addition to other projects currently being implemented, he said, KSrelief carried out 25 other projects valued at more than $26 million.


Dr. Al Rabeeah pledged continued Saudi support for the Rohingya, in cooperation with the international community, to ensure that they attain their right to live in peace and dignity in their homeland, and will continue to support refugees in Bangladesh, to which he conveyed the kingdom’s thanks and appreciation for its generous hosting of large numbers of Rohingya refugees.




Source: Saudi Press Agency