Justice Ministry announces the deportation of 1,000 children from ISIS families to their countries


The Ministry of Justice announced today, Tuesday, the deportation of 1,000 children from ISIS families to their countries, revealing a package of measures, including the opening of new prisons.

Ministry of Justice Spokesman Kamel Amin told the official News Agency: “Regarding the children of female inmates from ISIS families, more than 1,000 children were deported to their countries, and there are now about 76 children waiting for their countries to claim them,” noting that “numerous meetings were held with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the addressing diplomatic channels and the National Security Advisory, as well as holding a meeting with Ambassadors of countries to urge them to receive their children.”

He explained, “The Ministry of Justice and the government have provided all the requirements to preserve dignity, achieve human rights principles, and provide food for these children, as well as allowing them to contact and communicate with their families outside Iraq,” expressing his “hope to end this file, and the Ministry is fully prepared to cooperate regarding the request for DNA samples and documents of those children to verify their nationalities.”

He added, “The Ministry is serious about addressing many issues through a package of reforms and measures, including expansion and opening of new prisons,” stressing “the Ministry’s firmness on the issue of abuse of inmates and convicts by conducting investigations and referring those who are negligent to the courts.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency