Announcing the postponement of the press family demonstration in Tahrir Square and replacing it with a stand on Al-Mutanabbi Street


Baghdad – The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate announced the postponement of the press family demonstration that was scheduled for tomorrow evening, Friday, in Al-Tahrir Square.

The Syndicate explained in a statement this evening that there will be a stand on Al-Mutanabbi Street and a gathering at the Doctors Syndicate headquarters tomorrow morning, Friday.

The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate said that it would organize at four o’clock in the afternoon tomorrow, Friday, a solidarity stand in Al-Tahrir Square with our Palestinian people who are facing the brutal Zionist aggression and the attacks on journalists and media crews who cover the patient effects of the aggression on Gaza.

It added in a statement that Iraq’s journalists, intellectuals, and academics are invited to attend and actively participate in this solidarity stance to affirm Iraq’s firm and permanent position on the issue of the Palestinian people and the justice of the confrontation led by this mighty people in the face of the blatant attacks and treacherous brutality practiced by the usurping entity.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency