Al-Sudani _The next six months are pivotal in the life of the government


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani affirmed: “The next six months are a critical period in the life of the government.”

Al-Sudani said in today’s Cabinet session: “The implementation momentum of the government program must be maintained, especially after the approval of the federal general budget law for three years.”

The Council of Ministers approved the draft law for the protection of intellectual property, which was reviewed by the State Council, and referred to the House of Representatives based on the provisions of the constitution, taking into account the notes received from the legal department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

The Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council of Economy in the field of import regulation and administrative reform.

The Council of Ministers also agreed, in its session held today, to exclude military shipments from the procedures of the audit team formed according to Cabinet Resolution (23037), for the year 2023, concerned with requests for exemption from all customs duties.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency