Arab Countries Condemn in the Strongest Terms the Incident of Burning a Copy of the Holy Quran


The Group of Arab States strongly condemned the incident of burning a copy of the Holy Quran on the first day of Eid Al-Adha, emphasizing that such reprehensible acts cannot be tolerated in any way. They emphasized that these acts not only disrespect the religious beliefs and sentiments of two billion Muslims but also violate their sanctity.

In a joint statement delivered before the Human Rights Council during an urgent debate on deliberate and public acts of religious hatred, the Arab States underscored that tolerating such acts only serves to fuel Islamophobia, hatred, and sow discord within societies. The statement highlighted that no state can claim to protect and promote human rights while simultaneously condoning the grave consequences of religious contempt and its negative impact on fostering a culture of peace. It further stated that tolerating such acts goes against the principles of accepting others, promoting harmony, and embracing tolerance, all under the guise of respecting freedom of opinion and expression.

Source: Saudi Press Agency