Arab Parliament Warns against Israeli Occupation’s Invasion of Rafah


Cairo: The Arab Parliament has issued a warning concerning the preparations of the Israeli occupation to invade the Palestinian city of Rafah, which could result in the most heinous act of genocide against one and a half million Palestinians. The occupation is held accountable by the Arab Parliament in its entirety for the dangerous escalation of events and for impeding the negotiations aimed at terminating the aggression.

In a statement released today, the Arab Parliament urged the U.S. administration and the international community to exert pressure on the Israeli occupation to halt further massacres and crimes against the Palestinian people. Additionally, the statement called for holding the Israeli occupation accountable for the serious violations it commits against international law, implementing international legitimacy resolutions, and ceasing the aggression.

The Arab Parliament also denounced the shameful silence that has emboldened the leaders of the Israeli occupation to continue the genocidal war
against the Palestinian people, whether in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.

Furthermore, the Arab Parliament reiterated the importance of a ceasefire and peace, as well as the necessity of seeking a just solution to the Palestinian issue. It also called for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Saudi Press Agency