Arab tourism ministers urge that intra-Arab collaboration in the tourism industry be strengthened


Cairo– The Arab tourism ministers emphasized the need for increased intra-Arab collaboration in the tourism industry as well as increased training in the tourism industry and efforts to increase the trust of Arab tourists in the Arab tourism offering.

This occurred during the 25th session of the Arab Tourism Ministers Council, which kicked off today at the Arab League’s headquarters, under chairmanship of Jordanian Minister of Tourism Nayef Al-Fayez.

For his part, Yemeni Minister of Tourism Muammar Al-Aryani valued the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s stances towards Yemen in all fields, indicating that the Yemeni legitimacy is represented in the Presidential Council and the government which extends its hands in peace with the support of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He added that “while the Houthi militias continue to oppose these plans with Iran’s backing, the tourism industry in Yemen has suffered significantly as a result of Houthi attacks on facilities including airports, hotels, and museums as well as the smuggling of Yemeni antiquities.”

Source: Saudi Press Agency