Capital Market Authority Issues QSB for Q2 2023


The Capital Market Authority (CMA) has released the Quarterly Statistical Bulletin (QSB) for the second quarter (Q2) of 2023. This release is part of the CMA’s ongoing commitment to furnish statistical information and data pertaining to the Saudi capital market, catering to participants, market analysts, as well as academic and student researchers. Additionally, the CMA’s objective is to elevate transparency and disclosure standards and to foster the growth and development of investments within the capital market.

The QSB data reveals that the number of listed companies on the main market (TASI) stood at 228 companies by the close of Q2 in 2023, reflecting a notable increase of 6% compared to the 215 companies recorded in Q2 of 2022. Concurrently, the number of listed companies on the parallel market “Nomu” surged to 62 companies at the end of Q2 in 2023, marking a substantial growth of 100% when compared to the 31 companies noted in Q2 of 2022.

The QSB offers a comprehensive array of data related to the Saudi capital market, encompassing areas such as Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), equity and debt instruments, investment funds, as well as information pertaining to Capital Market Institutions, Listed Companies, and authorized Financial Technology (FinTech) Companies. Additionally, the bulletin includes a dedicated chapter addressing Corporate Governance matters.

Source: Saudi Press Agency