CEO of Saudi Broadcasting Authority says all set for the Arab Broadcasting Festival and the Future of Media Exhibition in Riyadh


President of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) and CEO of Saudi Broadcasting Authority, Mohammad bin Fahd Al-Harithi, announced the completion of the ongoing preparations to host the 22nd edition of the Arab Broadcasting Festival, which will be held in Riyadh on November 9-12.

Al-Harthi explained that the hosting comes from the authority’s role in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which aims to develop the production industry, and in line with the transformations the Kingdom is witnessing that will make Riyadh the capital of the most important media production industry in the region, in parallel with its transformation into a destination in all fields.

He added that the festival will witness the launch of many initiatives and partnerships aimed at developing the Arab production industry, and drawing clear features for the future of professional standards for the media map in the region, based on the Kingdom’s primary role as a leader in the Arab world, noting that these initiatives aim to keep pace with developments, introduce Arab-Islamic civilization and contemporary Arab and Islamic reality, and raise the level of cultural and scientific awareness in radio and television production and programs.

The CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, head of the committee supervising the organization of the festival, added that the 22nd edition of the festival, which is being held for the first time outside the country of headquarters in Tunisia in more than four decades and will be hosted in Riyadh exceptionally, will coincide with the Future of Media Exhibition (FOMEX), which will take place during the period 10-12 November, with the participation of more than 200 institutions, including member organizations, television networks, private radio stations, international Arabic-speaking channels, prominent international manufacturers of technical equipment, production companies and distribution of audio-visual content, and service providers.

Al-Harthi pointed out that the registration for participation in the exhibition saw a wide turnout from specialized companies, as the number exceeded the size of the target for participation, while the committee supervising the exhibition approved the participation of (200) companies that completed their registration procedures during the first days of the opening of the registration date, which reflects the size of the desire of the concerned authorities in the media, advertising and production fields to participate in this major Arab media event in the capital of the future media, Riyadh, and to benefit from the presence in the Saudi market, which is one of the most prominent markets concerned with the production field in particular and the media in general.

He noted that FOMEX will constitute a future platform for the main production technologies participating in it this year and in the coming years, with the participation of several leading companies in the global production field, in addition to wide participation of international bodies, including the World Broadcasting Union (WBU), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU), African Broadcasting Union (AUB), Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM), Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD), China Global Television Network (CGTN), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and Mediterranean Center for Audiovisual Communication (CMCA).

The ASBU President valued hosting this important event in Riyadh, which comes as an affirmation of the Kingdom’s economic and developmental renaissance, in light of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, adding that this hosting is an opportunity to highlight the Kingdom’s tourist areas, and the qualitative value of the infrastructure for effective investment and attractive opportunities, and an affirmation of the cultural and social transformations that the Kingdom is witnessing that focus on the values of tolerance, coexistence, acceptance of diverse cultures, and deepening the relationship with effective regional and international organizations.

Al-Harthi extended his appreciation to the Acting Minister of Media, Dr. Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi, for the unlimited support for the success of this cultural carnival, as well as to all partners and sponsors, from the public and private sectors, led by the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, the Theater and Performing Arts Commission, the Music Authority, STC, and the Saudi Media City, Arabsat, MBC Group, Rotana, Al Arabiya TV, and Mix FM Radio, for their great efforts and continuous support, to organize this major Arab media event in a manner befitting the Kingdom’s stature and its prominent international presence.

He underlined that the Festival’s agenda, which will have the participation of more than 1,000 media professionals from all around the world and representatives of international media organizations, will include 30 workshops and sessions, which will discuss all topics related to television and radio production, and sports media, in addition to sessions concerned with the participation of women and their role in cinema throughout history, workshops focussing filmmaking and independent media work, and other topics that the festival will discuss over four days, adding that the festival will start by holding an extensive ceremony, in which several media and artistic figures who have influenced the Arab arena will be honored, in addition to holding a concert on the first day, which will witness a huge turnout from the festival’s participants.

Al-Harthi indicated that the event will also include competitions and festival awards to honor the winners of the TV and radio competitions, which number more than 60 awards varying between gold and silver, adding that the prizes in the television track amount to 32 prizes in the main and parallel competitions, while the awards in the radio track amount to 32.

The competitions are divided into two parts; the parallel competition, which is dedicated to programs and news produced by private Arab television networks (Non-ASBU members), production companies, and Arab news agencies, in addition to foreign Arabic-speaking satellite channels, and the Radio Programs Competition, with its main and parallel sections, a competition dedicated to radio programs and news produced by the union’s member bodies, stations, private Arab radio production companies, and international Arabic-speaking radio stations and production companies.

Source: Saudi Press Agency