CIBAFI to Organize 7th Mediterranean Islamic Finance Forum in Spain November 16


The General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI) is organizing the 7th Mediterranean Islamic Finance Forum in Barcelona, Spain on November 16. The theme of the forum is “The Path to Sustainability and Economic Growth”. The forum aims to discuss the opportunities for Islamic finance in the Mediterranean region.

The event will witness the participation of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, numerous members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation comprising Islamic banks and institutions, as well as experts in the finance industry, speakers, and stakeholders.

The Seventh Mediterranean Forum will delve into the potential of Islamic finance from diverse perspectives, featuring international speakers who will shed light on the fundamentals of Islamic finance and its connection with the vision of establishing a sustainable financial future in the Mediterranean region. The event will also offer opportunities to engage with industry leaders and trailblazers in economic thought, facilitating discussions on the financial landscape of the region.

Source: Saudi Press Agency