GASTAT’s Official Spokesman: Participation in the Saudi Census 2022 is mandatory and refusal to participate can lead to fines.


Riyadh– GASTAT’s spokesman, Mohmmad Aldukhainy clarified that according to Royal Decree No. m/13 dated 2341391, participation in the General Population Census is mandatory based on article (four) of the decree, and questions asked by census interviewers must be answered.

The country’s general statistics law issued by Royal Decree No. 23 dated 7/12/1397 AH has granted GASTAT the authority to apply monetary fines to anyone who knowingly disrupts the census work, refuses to provide the required data, or provides incorrect data, he said.

“We received many inquiries through GASTAT’s communication channels asking if participation in the Saudi Census is mandatory and how the fines resulting from non-participation will be applied. I would like to assure all residents that fines are limited to those who refuse participation completely. The census interviewer cannot impose any fine directly and must get the approval of the regional supervisor. Fines will only be issued after directly warning household heads through regional supervisors, and after providing them with several opportunities to comply with the requirements”, he added.

GASTAT’s spokesman praised the high level of awareness of citizens and residents and their cooperation during the previous and current census phases, where only a limited number of participation refusal cases were reported. He also stressed that participation in the census is a national duty and a responsibility shared by all society members, as the census will provide reliable and trusted data to improve decision making and planning of public services such as education and health care.

Aldukhaini pointed out that GASTAT has enabled citizens and residents to easily participate in the census and avoid penalties through self-enumeration online. Through the census website, the census questionnaire can be filled using smart phones or personal computers from anywhere and at any time until the 25th of May without the need for a visit from a census interviewer. This can be done by visiting the online portal of the Saudi Census 2022 on the following link:

GASTAT has also made several channels available to support census participants in completing the questionnaire. GASTAT support can be reached through the authorities help line number (920020081), or through GASTAT’ social media accounts, and the Saudi Census 2022 portal

Source: Saudi Press Agency