
Lebanese Forces party leader, Samir Geagea, on Wednesday issued a statement addressing recent political tensions in Lebanon, particularly concerning divisive rhetoric targeting the church and its leaders.

“Political disagreements and divisions among Lebanese are constant and ongoing,” stated Geagea.

“However, political discourse has always preserved mutual respect and objectivity in approaching points of contention. Unfortunately, in recent days, we have witnessed some crossing the line by accusing the church and its patriarch with fully rejected allegations, especially labeling them as serving Zionist terrorism.”

While acknowledging the right to differing opinions, Geagea emphasized, “No one can claim that the church and its patriarch serve Zionist terrorism. This is categorically rejected by all Lebanese components, especially given historical references such as Bkerki. It is far from reality and truth.”

“In this context,” Geagea added, “it is noteworthy that many Lebanese, including Bkerki, have expres
sed their rejection of the ongoing war in the South, which has done nothing to serve Gaza but rather devastated Southern Lebanon and displaced its people.”

“Maintaining a minimum level of objectivity and adherence to communication etiquette among Lebanese, especially concerning religious authorities, is essential and necessary to preserve Lebanon,’ Geagea concluded.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon