Hackathon of Madinah Dates Season Receives AI Innovators


The Madinah Dates Season 2024 continues to receive creators and innovators to participate in the Hackathon of Madinah Dates Season to introduce a qualitative shift in date cultivation and assessing their quality using technology and AI.

The hackathon will start on September 15, and the total value of the financial prizes offered to the winners is SAR900,000.

The first track of the hackathon aims to create data sets and tools that qualitatively contribute to date cultivation and assess their quality. It also aims to achieve sustainable agricultural development by building accurate and diverse data sets, including high-quality agricultural images, sensor readings, and biodata, in addition to other innovative data types, that work to support the development of AI systems capable of improving efficiency and reducing costs in the dates industry, which currently relies heavily on traditional and manual methods in sorting and classifying crops.

The second track calls for addressing a wide range of agricultural c
hallenges and focuses on improving water use, designing smart systems that provide timely irrigation recommendations, and automating manual processes through AI-based solutions. It also calls for exploring other vital areas, such as pest management, harvesting operations, and crop health monitoring, with the aim of developing innovative tools to enhance the overall efficiency and sustainability of date cultivation in Madinah.

Participations will be evaluated by AI experts based on data quality, the accuracy of naming, diversity and multiplicity, documentation, and innovation. In each track, awards are given to the top three teams that have made qualitative contributions capable of changing the future of the dates industry. To participate in the season’s events, register via the website: https://mdseason.com/hakathon.

Source: Saudi Press Agency