Integrity Commission Issues 54 Arrest And Summon Orders Against Senior Officials During July


The Federal Integrity Commission revealed all arrests and summon orders issued and carried out against senior officials and those with higher ranks during the month of July.

In a statement, the Commission’s Investigation Department stated that “the judicial authorities issued (54) arrest and summon orders, against the background of cases investigated by the Commission’s investigation directorates and offices in Baghdad and the provinces, and referred them to the judiciary, and among those orders that were issued against (51) high-profile suspects, officials with higher ranks for the period from (1- 31/7/2023), (6) arrest warrants, and (48) summon orders.

The department added, “The orders included two former ministers, (6) former ministers, two current undersecretaries, (4) former, and a former undersecretary, in addition to a former governor and (3) former, noting that the orders included (12) current director generals, and (11) former and (5) former, in addition to (4) members of the provincial council./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency