KSrelief Distributes 600 School Bags and Uniforms to Students in Hadhramaut


The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) recently distributed 600 school bags and uniforms to male and female students in the districts of Hajr, Al-Ridah Al-Sharqiyah, Tarim, and Al-Soom in Hadhramaut Governorate. This distribution is part of the second phase of the Back to School Project in Yemen.

The second phase of the project aims to equip 95 alternative classrooms with supplies and provide educational materials such as bags and school uniforms. Additionally, the project seeks to create job opportunities for low-income families by providing locally-made school bags. This initiative will target families that have previously benefited from training and empowerment projects in Hadhramaut, Hajjah, Abyan, and Lahj governorates.

This effort is part of a series of humanitarian and relief projects provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through KSrelief. The goal is to create a supportive educational environment for male and female students in Yemen, encourage them to continue their educa
tion, and assist families in reducing the costs of purchasing school supplies.

Source: Saudi Press Agency