Kuwait Oil Company initiates new gas pipeline


Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) today announced the operation of a new strategic gas line extending from northern Kuwait operations area to Mina Al-Ahmadi, with a size of 40 inches.

In a statement carried by Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), KOC said that the 140-km long line comes in line with the company’s plan to increase natural gas production to meet the requirements of the local market.

The capacity of the line reaches 900 million standard cubic feet, as it starts from the gas booster station 132 in northern Kuwait, passing through the gas and condensate separation facilities in the north and south of Kuwait, to finally reach Mina Al-Ahmadi refinery, the statement added.

The pipeline will contribute to keeping pace with the KOC strategy for the year 2040, which aims to increase oil and gas production and make the best use of Kuwait’s hydrocarbon resources, KOC said.

The line meets the requirements of global markets while ensuring the highest standards of security, safety, and environmental preservation, taking into account the requirements of the local consumer.

KOC has recently started operating eight pipelines to transport oil and gas to the Al-Zour refinery of the Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC), with a total length of eight pipelines up to 450 km.

Source: Bahrain News Agency