Makkah Municipality Receives 2,729 Complaints on Cleanliness, Road Maintenance, Lighting, Unlicensed Peddlers in Hajj Areas


Mina, outskirts of Makkah, The authority in charge of public complaints at Makkah municipality has received as many as 2,729 notifications on negligence of cleanliness, road maintenance, poor lighting, or unlicensed peddlers in Hajj areas, it was reported today.

In a report, the authority, affiliated to the Ministry of Municipal, Rural and Housing Affairs, has long introduced the service designed to practice transparency and review in order to ameliorate the service in the future.

Figuring out the complaints, the report said as many as 2,729 notifications have been received from the Ist to the 11th of the month of Zulhijja out of them 2156 in Makkah, and 573 in the other sacred places in addition to 35680 wireless stresses and follow-ups of 1365 client calls.

Source: Saudi Press Agency