Malaysian Elderly Dream of Hajj Comes True After Decades of Struggle


Makkah: In the tranquil state of Johor, in the southernmost part of Malaysia, lived Mohammed Yunus Safwan, a 66-year-old man who led a life filled with work and sacrifices.

He dedicated thirty years of his life as an aviation safety technician for Malaysia Airlines. Since his youth, Safwan’s only dream was to perform Hajj before his retirement. He applied for a Hajj opportunity, believing it would take only a year or two, coinciding with his retirement and the necessary funds available to fulfill his long-awaited dream.

Year after year passed, and while the time came for his retirement, Safwan was still waiting for the chance to perform Hajj, a dream he had held onto for 20 years. Complicating matters further, his savings dwindled each year due to the demands of life and the expenses of supporting his family. Eventually, he exhausted all his savings and found himself with nothing.

But, as the saying goes: “Patience is the best remedy for every trouble,” and eventually, Safwan received joyful news! The Mala
ysian authorities approved his Hajj request, overwhelming his heart with delight. This happiness, however, was mixed with the bitterness of his financial constraints. He experienced a period of misery and secluded himself in depression for many days.

It was at this point that his sons and daughters united to fulfill their father’s dream. They collected the required amount and surprised him with a sum of over 100,000 Saudi Riyals. The Malaysian pilgrim set off for Makkah, standing before the holy Kaaba, expressing gratitude to Allah for gifting him with righteous children, who finally fulfilled his long-awaited wish.

“Nothing compares to the unity and strength of a family, and no joy can match the elation of realizing a dream cherished by the closest of people,” he said.

Source: Saudi Press Agency