Mosul women organize a protest stand in rejection of amending the Personal Status Law in Parliament


A number of Mosul women organized a protest stand against the Personal Status Law.

Some activists confirmed during their participation in the stand that was organized in the celebration square on the left side of Mosul in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / their rejection of the amendments to the Personal Status Law because they violate women’s rights, especially in the subject of underage marriage, inheritance and custody, according to their expression.

For their part, supporters of amending the Personal Status Law stressed that the amendments are necessary to end and stop the injustice that has been inflicted on men over the past years in the subject of child custody and alimony.

They indicated that they reject the paragraph on underage marriage, but they stress the necessity of amending the paragraphs on child custody and alimony, and they explained that the father has the right as the mother in this matter.

They explained that granting child custody to women and alimony and allocat
ing salaries to divorcees are among the most prominent reasons that have increased divorce cases in Iraq.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency