Muqtada al-Sadr calls for a peaceful boycott of American goods that support the Zionist entity


The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called for a peaceful boycott of American goods that support the Zionist entity.

Al-Sadr said in response to a question submitted to him about boycotting American goods and goods that support the usurping Zionist entity: Yes, all believers in the Palestinian cause, all lovers of humanity, and all those who reject the mass massacres taking place in Gaza, and all those who reject the terrorist Zionist entity, its actions and crimes, and its master, America, the great evil occupier who hates peoples, must boycott all products that support Israel, America, colonialism, and the unjust global arrogance that is trying to make the world a village in its hands like a toy… All of this is done through a peaceful boycott by not selling, not buying, or even using them… and not using violence as some parties do that want to destroy our beloved Iraq and for personal and partisan benefit.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency