MWL Secretary General Highlights Vital Role of the Youth at Africa Youth Forum


Secretary General of the Muslim World League (MWL) and Chairman of the Organization of Muslim Scholars Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Al-Issa recently participated as a guest of honor in the Africa Youth Forum, held here, which aimed to provide young people with a platform to discuss their issues alongside prominent religious, political and civic leaders.

Addressing the forum, Al-Issa touched on several crucial issues concerning the present and future of the youth. He emphasized the pivotal role of youths in shaping the future of their countries and the need to implement plans and programs that prioritize areas crucial to them, such as education and training efficiency.

He tackled troubling statistics related to the youth, particularly in the context of education, emphasizing that the situation is particularly challenging for girls, who are deprived of education solely because of their gender.

He urged for a concerted effort to identify and address the barriers that hinder young people from accessing quality educa
tion, underlining the shared responsibility in finding effective solutions.

He also addressed the role of youths in facilitating dialogue between followers of different religions and cultures, the influence of extremist ideas on some young people, and the essential role of youths in charitable endeavors.

He highlighted the need to go beyond exchanging views on issues pertaining to youth and translate these discussions into effective plans and programs with tangible impact.

The Youth Parliament of Kenya hosted Al-Issa for a session where he underscored the importance of taking youths’ interests into account when shaping future policies.

Source: Saudi Press Agency