Najran’s Mud Houses: Living Treasures of Heritage


Mud houses are iconic symbols of Najran’s rich heritage, cherished by locals for their enduring connection to the past. These architectural gems have withstood the test of time, their authenticity and artistry testament to the ingenuity of generations.

The preservation of these cultural treasures is not just a regional priority but a collective endeavor of the community. Owners and local communities are working tirelessly to restore these structures to their former glory, thereby safeguarding a vital part of their identity and offering future generations a tangible link to their ancestors.

These houses are a marvel of traditional craftsmanship. They harmonize with the environment and are built with locally sourced materials like stone, clay, and wood. The intricate process of building these houses, from laying the foundation to crafting the roof, is meticulously built, showcasing the builders’ skill and dedication.

As Najran continues to evolve, preserving its mud houses remains vital. More than just bu
ildings, these structures are living testaments to a way of life and cultural heritage that must be celebrated and protected for future generations.

Source: Saudi Press Agency