Nine people accused of various crimes arrested during a security exercise on the Karkh and Rusafa sides


Detachments of the Anti-Crime Directorate arrested 9 people accused of various crimes during a security exercise on the Karkh and Rusafa sides.

The Directorate stated in a statement that the detachments and patrols of the Baghdad Anti-Crime Directorate conducted security practices for late hours of the night in various areas of the capital, Baghdad, to spread within vital commercial areas and shopping places to provide security for citizens, ensure the smooth flow of their movements, monitor suspicious cases, and audit wanted persons and vehicles, as the practices resulted in the seizure of Six people were accused of stealing motorcycles, three defendants were wanted for murder, and others were accused of forgery and theft of homes and shops. Legal measures were taken against those arrested and brought to justice to receive their just punishment according to the law.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency