NLO Releases Key Labor Market Figures for August


The National Labor Observatory (NLO) released a comprehensive report containing data on the Saudi private sector labor market for August.

It details the total number of employees in the private sector at the end of the month, the breakdown of citizens and residents working in the private sector, by gender, the net growth of citizen jobs, and the number of new entrants in the private sector in June.

According to the report, the number of private-sector workers grew to 11,572,408 in August, indicating its attractiveness and continuous job growth.

The report showed that in August, the number of citizens working in the private sector reached 2,369,828, of which 1,397,146 men and 972,682 women. The number of residents working in the private sector reached 9,202,580, of which 8,812,758 men and 389,822 women.

The report also shows that in August, 37,009 citizens got jobs in the private sector for the first time.

NLO regularly issues reports and publications that analyze indicators and statistics. One such
publication, “Overview of the Saudi Labor Market in the Private Sector”, reviews the most significant statistics and figures from each month preceding its publication.

Source: Saudi Press Agency