President of General Court of Audit Launches GCA’s Competency Management System


Riyadh– President of the General Court of Audit Dr. Hussam Alangari launched today, Thursday, July 28, 2022, the Competency Management System (CMS) to evaluate and develop the professional competency of GCA auditors. CMS measures and analyzes the competencies of auditors by formulating Professional Development Plans (PDP) and assessing training needs based on competency. Moreover, CMS reports to be used in the performance evaluation, employees rotation, succession plan, recruiting, attraction and building PDP. The completely new and innovative CMS comes as part of GCA’s endeavors to raise the performance efficiency and effectiveness in all sectors of GCA and branches. CMS is, also, considered a continuation of professional development programs, institutional and digital excellence, and professional leadership in the field of preservation of public money.

The new CMS is one of the Strategic Directions of the Fourth Strategic Plan of GCA for the period (2022-2026), which emphasized the importance of developing human capabilities. GCA strongly believes in the importance of creating a sustainable environment for the research, development of the human element, and continuity of knowledge sharing in SAIs.

CMS works within the framework of the Competency Framework for Audit Professionals (CFAP) which is originally emanating from the INTOSAI competency framework for auditors taking into consideration the skills and professional knowledge needed by the auditor to accomplish his mission effectively and efficiently.

CFAP is considered the main key for continuous professional development which can create competitive capabilities and attract powerful and proficient human resources by determining the strength and weakness points in auditors. Additionally, CFAP helps decision makers to form homogeneous and competent work groups and committees.

It is worth mentioning that CMS goes through two main stages. The two stages are evaluating competencies and formulating a PDP in an integrated framework at different administrative levels in GCA.

Source: Saudi Press Agency