Supported by KSrelief, Emergency Center for Combating Pandemic Diseases in Al-Jaadah Health Center, Yemen,


Hijjah, Yemen, Emergency Center for Combating Pandemic Diseases of Al-Jaadah Health Center in Midi Directorate, Hijjah Governorate of Yemen, affiliated to King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), has provided services for 4.489 beneficiaries in a week from May 25 – 31, 2022, it was reported here today.

The report said that 78 reported to the reproductive clinic; 80 to the surgery and bandaging clinic; 366 patients reported to the epidemiological control clinic; 346 to the emergency clinic; 295 to the internal clinic; 109 to the pediatric clinic; eleven to the delivery clinic; 1.285 to the enlightenment department; and twelve to the medical referal clinic.

Medication was subscribed to 1.285 persons, lab tests were performed for 458 patients; two benefited from the medical nutrition clinic; and 162 from the x-ray department, said the report.

Source: Saudi Press Agency