The Council of Ministers approves the appointment of 17 Directors General in various Ministries and State Institutions


Baghdad, The Council of Ministers approved the appointment of 17 Directors General in various Ministries and state institutions, distributed as (4) Directors General in the Ministry of Water Resources, (3) in the Ministry of Agriculture, (3) in the Independent High Electoral Commission, and (3) ) in the Military Industrialization Authority, and one in each of the Ministries of Electricity and Industry, the Institution for Political Prisoners, and the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau.

In today’s session, the Council of Ministers issued a number of decisions regarding the file of lagging and stalled service projects:

1- Increasing the reserve amount for the contract (equipping and implementing two treatment plants in Nasiriyah/Dhi Qar Governorate), and increasing the total cost of the Nasiriyah sewerage project.

2- Increasing the total cost and the amount of reserve for the contract (construction of the second corridor of the Ghamas-Hamza Junction Road, 62 km).

3- Increasing the total cost and reserve a
mount for the contract (construction of Haditha Bridge and its approaches).

Source: National Iraqi News Agency