The FM Meets The UK Ambassador To Iraq On The Occasion Of The End Of His Tenure


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, met with the UK Ambassador to Iraq, Mark Bryson Richardson, on the occasion of the end of his tenure as UK Ambassador to Iraq.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement, “The minister expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by Ambassador Mark Richardson, throughout his tenure in order to improve bilateral relations between Baghdad and London, and what he contributed to enhancing joint cooperation, expressing his confidence in the continuation of the path of bilateral relations on the rise, wishing him good luck and success in his new duties.

The statement added, “The two sides discussed the minister’s recent visit to London and the meetings held with senior officials, stressing the need to follow up on the outputs of the visit by the British embassy in Baghdad, just as the Iraqi embassy in London is following up.”

For his part, Ambassador Richardson affirmed the depth of the bilateral relations between the two countries, praising the efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the facilities for the success of the work of the United Kingdom Embassy in Baghdad, appreciating the minister’s visit to London and the positive results that could be built upon during the coming period.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency