The Houthis target a cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden


A cargo ship flying the Singapore flag was damaged after it was hit by two missiles fired by the Yemeni Ansar Allah group (Houthis) in the Gulf of Aden.

The American authorities stated that the cargo ship “Lobivia” was hit by two missiles while it was sailing in the Gulf of Aden, while the Ansar Allah group claimed responsibility for the incident, noting that it launched ballistic missiles and drones towards the ship.

For its part, the British Maritime Trade Operations Authority reported that the left side of the ship was hit by two missiles in two separate incidents 83 nautical miles southeast of the city of Aden, without specifying the extent of the damage it sustained.

It added that the ship is seaworthy and that all its crew members are fine, but it will return to its last port of call.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency