Updated – A Turkish tourist was killed on charges of carrying out a stabbing attack in Jerusalem


Jerusalem – Ma’an The occupation forces closed Bab al-Sahira in the city of Jerusalem, immediately after a “stabbing” operation carried out by a Turkish tourist, while the forces stormed the “Capitol” Hotel on Salah al-Din Street in Jerusalem, where the perpetrator was staying.

Ma’an’s correspondent in Jerusalem explained that the forces closed Bab al-Sahira, the adjacent streets, and the entire area (the main street), and during that, they prevented the passage of pedestrians, vehicles, and buses from the area, and this coincided with the end of school hours in the city.

The forces attacked young men and students to keep them away from the vicinity of the Bab al-Sahira area, while they arrested two young men from inside Bab al-Sahira and beat them while transporting them to the ‘Salah al-Din Street’ police station.

After more than two hours, the forces opened the area and detained the martyr’s body and transported him in a private ambulance.

During that time, a large force of intelligence forces stormed
the Capitol Hotel in the middle of Salah al-Din Street, investigated the ‘Turkish tourist,’ searched his room, and confiscated his belongings.

In the Bab al-Sahira area, a settler obstructed the work of the Al Jazeera crew, by pursuing him and trying to prevent him from filming with a large presence of forces in the place.

Source: Maan News Agency