Youth Minister chairs Youth Empowerment Committee meeting


Manama, Rawan bint Najeeb Tawfiqi, Minister of Youth Affairs, chaired the meeting of the Youth Empowerment Committee in both public and private sectors.

The minister emphasised that youth empowerment in Bahrain is advancing according to the strategic plans of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, led by His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, HM the King’s Representative for Humanitarian and Youth Affairs. She said that these plans aimed at harnessing the capabilities of young people, bolstering their skills, and creating more opportunities for them to shape Bahrain’s future.

Tawfiqi highlighted the Youth Empowerment Committee’s success in introducing innovative initiatives that have empowered youth in various senior roles across both public and private sectors.

She outlined the committee’s framework for sustaining youth empowerment, offering additional training and skill-building opportunities through modern programmes. These efforts were aimed at inspiring young people, showcasing their idea
s, and boosting their confidence in decision-making and future building.

The minister commended the public and private sectors for their positive response to the Exceptional Youth Initiative launched on Bahrain Youth Day. The recognition of youth achievements and projects will motivate them to continue working diligently in developing the sector and inspire others to strive for excellence.

She praised the committee members for their significant efforts and vast expertise in empowering Bahraini youth across both public and private sectors. Their dedication has translated the committee’s vision into impactful initiatives and projects.

During the meeting, the “Youth Supporter” initiative was approved, along with discussing the outcome of the Exceptional Youth initiative. Measurement indicators for the Youth Empowerment Committee were also adopted, alongside organising volunteer work and forming a task force for the committee. Members also discussed ideas and future visions for the committee’s initiatives.

ource: Bahrain News Agency