NCVC Completes First Phase of Project to Study, Assess Invasive Plants in Saudi Arabia


The National Center for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating Desertification (NCVC) has completed the first phase of the project titled “Study and Assessment of Invasive Plants in Saudi Arabia, and Establishing Control and Sustainable Management Methods for Them.” This phase included examining over 1,000 sources to collect information on invasive alien species listed in the national inventory, which the center has been monitoring over recent years.

The center has mapped the geographical distribution of these species both within Saudi Arabia and beyond and assessed their environmental, social, economic, and health impacts at the national, regional, and global levels. The NCVC also reviewed the economic significance of each species and international experiences in controlling and managing different species.

The NCVC also announced the launch of the project’s second phase, which includes field visits to 1,000 study points nationwide. These points were identified through remote sensing and geographic in
formation systems (GIS), along with the use of available data on climate, topography, and vegetation cover in areas where these invasive species are expected to spread.

The project is part of the initiative “Enhancing Drought Preparedness and Mitigation Initiative,” one of the National Transformation Program initiatives, aimed at assessing the state of desertification, identifying areas threatened by sand encroachment, and mitigating drought impacts. It also aims to study invasive plants in Saudi Arabia and develop methods to control them, all within the framework of the Saudi Vision 2030.

The project seeks to create a comprehensive study of invasive plants in different regions through experts and specialists in environmental science, taxonomy, sustainable management, GIS, remote sensing, and economic and social studies. The goal is to work jointly to achieve the project’s objectives of assessing these plants and developing methods for their control and sustainable management.

The NCVC is actively invol
ved in developing and protecting vegetation cover sites, monitoring and rehabilitating degraded areas across the Kingdom, detecting violations, combating desertification, and supervising rangelands, forests, and national parks. These efforts contribute to sustainable development and help achieve the targets of the Saudi Green Initiative.

Source: Saudi Press Agency