Al-Araji: Iraq Is Keen To Maintain Its Relations Eith the Brothers


The National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji, affirmed that Iraq is keen to maintain its relations with the brothers.

The chancellery stated in a statement: “Al-Araji met in his office today, the Tunisian Chargé d’Affairs in Baghdad, Fahmy Al-Mashreqi, and during the meeting, brotherly relations between the two countries were strengthened, and the security and political conditions in the region were reviewed, and issues and files of common interest were discussed, including the Syrian Al-Hol camp file”.

During the meeting, Al-Araji affirmed that Iraq is keen to maintain its relations with the brothers, pointing out that the government of Muhammad al-Sudani emphasized the development of cooperation relations with brotherly and friendly countries, especially cooperation in the security field and the exchange of information, appreciating Tunisia’s role in returning its nationals from the Syrian al-Hol camp.

For his part, the Tunisian chargé d’affaires affirmed his country’s desire to benefit from Iraq’s experience in the field of combating terrorism, in addition to strengthening security and intelligence cooperation between the two countries.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency