Anbar Felony: Ten years imprisonment for the former Salah al-Din Retirement Director


The Anbar Criminal Court issued a ten-year prison sentence against the former Salah al-Din retirement director.

The media center of the Supreme Judicial Council stated, ‘The court issued its ruling against the former Salah al-Din pension director for the crime of falsifying large numbers of pension transactions for members of local councils, districts, and districts of Salah al-Din, in addition to completing pension transactions for victims of terrorism in one of the residential homes in Baghdad with other defendants, in exchange for sums of money.’

He added, “The ruling was issued against him based on the provisions of Article 316/First Part of the Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 as amended and in accordance with Articles 47, 48, and 49 of Subscription.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency